What does it take to get ready for the Outing?

People always tell us it must be a lot of work...it is, but we have fantastic volunteers!

Join the Glasgow Taxi Outing Fund in celebrating

79 years ‘Goin’ tae Troon’

Since 1945, thousands of taxi drivers have donated their time and effort to make the ‘Outing to Troon’ the annual success that it is. Most of the drivers don fancy dress costumes, much to the delight of the children and the people who line the route through Glasgow and in Troon itself.

Next years outing is on the 18th June 2025.

See you there!

Upcoming Events

Each year we hold several fundraising events to enable us to run the Outing.

Cabaret Evening

The John Reilly Trophy

Annual Outing

Glasgow to Troon

18th June 2025

Bowling Day

one day, with a lifetime of memories...

Glasgow Taxis

Our thanks goes out to all the drivers of Glasgow Taxis who make this day possible.

one day, with a lifetime of memories...

Laurie Ross

Huge thanks to everyone at Laurie Ross for helping make the Outing better than ever.

one day, with a lifetime of memories...

Girvans Bar, Troon

A huge thanks again this year goes out to the management, staff and patrons of Girvans Bar in Troon who through a massive effort collected and donated £7870 in 2019, their continued support across the years makes the day truly one with memories that last a lifetime…

one day, with a lifetime of memories...

Celtic FC Foundation

Our thanks and appreciation goes out to the Celtic FC Foundation for their continued support